Making a Mixer ‘Sweet’ To Clean

Making a Mixer ‘Sweet’ To Clean

Oakes dual-use pump makes mixer maintenance easy

May 25, 2017  |  TAGS:  Mixing

Oakes mixer dual use pump

Oakes mixers were featured in an article by Dan Maloney that was published in both Baking & Snack magazine as well as The article including a quote from Bob Peck, vice-president of engineering at E.T. Oakes explaining how our mixer's dual-use pump help with cleaning and maintenance:

“By dual-use, it’s a regular metering pump for moving the batter through the mixing head, but now the same system can be used as a CIP pump. In the past, you needed a separate centrifugal pump for cleaning in addition to a positive displacement pump.”

To read the complete article, please visit or find it on page 76 inside the May 2017 Baking & Snack magazine.

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