Mixers Engineered To Stand The Test of Time

Mixers Engineered To Stand The Test of Time

Because mixers can last for decades, durability should be a key consideration for bakers looking to upgrade machinery.

November 04, 2019  |  TAGS:  Mixing

Mixers engineered stand test time

Oakes mixers were featured in an article by Dan Malovany that was published in both Baking & Snack magazine as well as BakingBusiness.com. The article including a quote from Bob Peck, vice-president of engineering at E.T. Oakes explaining their switch to an air-purge shaft seal from a compression seal to enhance our slurry mixers’ long-term performance and prevent leakage out of the bottom of the tank:

“The air-purge shaft allows us to meter in a small amount of air resulting in a positive pressure in the seal gland. By having positive air pressure, the batter cannot enter the seal area because there’s a higher pressure keeping the batter out and eliminating any leakages altogether.”

To read the complete article, please visit BakingBusiness.com or find it on page 79 inside the September 2019 Baking & Snack magazine.

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