Mixer Features That Resolve Temperature-control Issues

Mixer Features That Resolve Temperature-control Issues

There are critical aspects to the mixer’s design that play a role in how efficiently the cooling system will work.

September 22, 2020  |  TAGS:  Mixing

Mixer features resolve temperature control issues

Oakes mixers were featured in an article by Joanie Spencer that was published in both Baking & Snack magazine as well as BakingBusiness.com. The article including a quote from Bob Peck, vice-president of engineering at E.T. Oakes explaining how when equipment design ensures an efficient mix, a cool batter can be a natural byproduct:

“In other words, the batter is not inside the mixing head very long, just by the nature of internal volume,” said Bob Peck, vice president, E.T. Oakes Co. “Based on the design, the resident time is short, so we create less heat.”

To read the complete article, please visit BakingBusiness.com or find it on page 76 inside the September 2020 Baking & Snack magazine.

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