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Time: 2025-01-09   Source: crown89 net slot game    Author:baji slot game
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WASHINGTON, D.C., Dec. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) released its Ways in Which Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs) Can Meet Gaps in the U.S. Supply Chain report. This report presents several avenues for MBEs to meet gaps in the U.S. supply chain and discusses opportunities to conduct, commission, and collaborate on new studies with other federal, state, and private institutions on this topic. This report offers a data-driven snapshot of the MBE supplier landscape, analyzing representation of MBE firms in both manufacturing industries and the service industries that support manufacturing. The data shows there is room to grow representation of MBEs, particularly in manufacturing. MBE firms comprise about 22 percent of the service sector firms support manufacturing but represent only about 10 percent of manufacturing firms. As a comparison, MBEs comprise about 20 percent of all employer firms. The report identifies barriers present in supply chains for MBE participation; and the ways in which policy makers, technical assistance providers, and large corporations can utilize MBEs to advance the U.S. supply chain. "MBDA has embarked on a new chapter of our long and proud history to serve and support MBEs," said Deputy Under Secretary of Minority Business Development Eric Morrissette . "The Minority Business Development Act of 2021 empowered our agency to work toward equity among U.S. firms and strengthen our national economy, and we are forever committed to that mission. Together with public and private sector partners, we will continue to address capital access disparities and highlight sources of alternative financing while closing gaps in the U.S. supply chain." The report highlights many public and private initiatives directed toward promoting the success of MBEs in supply chain industries and breaking down barriers. Increasing MBE participation in advanced technologies and manufacturing relies on a range of initiatives to ensure MBEs can develop the capacities and skills needed to compete in rapidly changing markets. The report recommends four potential opportunities through which MBEs can help close supply chain gaps through policy and business plan changes: Leverage the Large Number of MBEs in High-Tech Manufacturing Support Services: Assist MBEs to Access Opportunities as Part of the Growth Spurred by Federal Investments, Including the CHIPS Act. Fostering Inclusive Entrepreneurship In Manufacturing: Promote Talent Pools of Entrepreneurship; and Support Training Programs and Expand Innovation Incentives. Expand Corporate Supply Chain Diversity: Expand and Strengthen Procurement Programs,; Build Corporate-MBE Supplier Relationships; and Ensure Stable Cashflow for MBEs. Provide Support to MBEs in Manufacturing: Leverage Business Centers and Networks; Develop Initiatives Helping MBEs Grow in Scale and Size; Foster Networks and Partnerships; and Encourage Community Engagement. Other suggestions made in the report include addressing unique challenges by MBE demographic groups and expanding qualitative data gathering to learn about the needs of MBEs in manufacturing. This report was mandated under the Minority Business Development Act of 2021. The Act codified MBDA and many of its existing programs. The report, and details of its findings, can be reviewed at www.mbda.gov . About the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA): The U.S. Department of Commerce, Minority Business Development Agency is the only Federal agency dedicated to the growth and global competitiveness of U.S. minority business enterprises (MBEs). For more than 50 years, MBDA's programs and services have better equipped MBEs to create jobs, build scale and capacity, increase revenues, and expand regionally, nationally, and internationally. ### Attachment 2024 MBDA Supply Chain Report Press Release © 2024 Benzinga.com. Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.Angela Merkel ‘tormented’ by Brexit vote and saw it as ‘humiliation’ for EU

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Shares of International Business Machines Corp. .css-321ztr-OverridedLink.css-321ztr-OverridedLink:any-link{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;color:rgba(54,119,168,1);border-bottom:1px solid;border-bottom-color:rgba(54,119,168,1);}.css-321ztr-OverridedLink.css-321ztr-OverridedLink:any-link.css-321ztr-OverridedLink.css-321ztr-OverridedLink:any-link svg{fill:rgba(54,119,168,1);}.css-321ztr-OverridedLink.css-321ztr-OverridedLink:any-link:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;color:rgba(47,112,157,1);border-bottom:1px solid;border-bottom-color:rgba(47,112,157,1);}.css-321ztr-OverridedLink.css-321ztr-OverridedLink:any-link:hover.css-321ztr-OverridedLink.css-321ztr-OverridedLink:any-link:hover svg{fill:rgba(47,112,157,1);} .css-1vykwuz-OverridedLink{display:inline;color:var(--color-interactiveLink010);-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}@media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference){.css-1vykwuz-OverridedLink{transition-property:color,fill;transition-duration:200ms,200ms;transition-timing-function:cubic-bezier(0, 0, .5, 1),cubic-bezier(0, 0, .5, 1);}}@media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce){.css-1vykwuz-OverridedLink{transition-property:color,fill;transition-duration:0ms;transition-timing-function:cubic-bezier(0, 0, .5, 1),cubic-bezier(0, 0, .5, 1);}}.css-1vykwuz-OverridedLink svg{fill:var(--color-interactiveLink010);}.css-1vykwuz-OverridedLink:hover:not(:disabled){color:var(--color-interactiveLink020);-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-1vykwuz-OverridedLink:hover:not(:disabled) svg{fill:var(--color-interactiveLink020);}.css-1vykwuz-OverridedLink:active:not(:disabled){color:var(--color-interactiveLink030);-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-1vykwuz-OverridedLink:active:not(:disabled) svg{fill:var(--color-interactiveLink030);}.css-1vykwuz-OverridedLink:visited:not(:disabled){color:var(--color-interactiveVisited010);-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-1vykwuz-OverridedLink:visited:not(:disabled) svg{fill:var(--color-interactiveVisited010);}.css-1vykwuz-OverridedLink:visited:hover:not(:disabled){color:var(--color-interactiveVisited010);-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-1vykwuz-OverridedLink:visited:hover:not(:disabled) svg{fill:var(--color-interactiveVisited010);}.css-1vykwuz-OverridedLink:focus-visible:not(:disabled){outline-color:var(--outlineColorDefault);outline-style:var(--outlineStyleDefault);outline-width:var(--outlineWidthDefault);outline-offset:var(--outlineOffsetDefault);}@media not all and (min-resolution: 0.001dpcm){@supports (-webkit-appearance: none) and (stroke-color: transparent){.css-1vykwuz-OverridedLink:focus-visible:not(:disabled){outline-style:var(--safariOutlineStyleDefault);}}}.css-1vykwuz-OverridedLink.css-1vykwuz-OverridedLink:any-link{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;color:rgba(54,119,168,1);border-bottom:1px solid;border-bottom-color:rgba(54,119,168,1);}.css-1vykwuz-OverridedLink.css-1vykwuz-OverridedLink:any-link.css-1vykwuz-OverridedLink.css-1vykwuz-OverridedLink:any-link svg{fill:rgba(54,119,168,1);}.css-1vykwuz-OverridedLink.css-1vykwuz-OverridedLink:any-link:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;color:rgba(47,112,157,1);border-bottom:1px solid;border-bottom-color:rgba(47,112,157,1);}.css-1vykwuz-OverridedLink.css-1vykwuz-OverridedLink:any-link:hover.css-1vykwuz-OverridedLink.css-1vykwuz-OverridedLink:any-link:hover svg{fill:rgba(47,112,157,1);} IBM inched 0.26% higher to $222.97 Friday, on what proved to be an all-around great trading session for the stock market, with the S&P 500 Index SPX rising 0.35% to 5,969.34 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA rising 0.97% to 44,296.51. This was the stock's fifth consecutive day of gains.- - BERGAMO, Italy, and LOS ANGELES, Calif., Dec. 24, 2024 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Nestled between Lake Como and Lake Iseo in the north of Italy, the city of Bergamo is an architectural gem of medieval charm and breathtaking beauty. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, its landmarks take visitors on a journey through history, from the 12th-century Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore to the famous 16th-century walls that surround the upper city, through the museum that honors the beloved operas of Bergamo’s own Gaetano Donizetti, to today’s trendy bistros, bakeries and gelaterias. And in the heart of the city are the expanded new facilities of the . Scientology Missions form the vanguard of the Scientology religion, providing the full array of basic and introductory Scientology services and Scientology auditing (spiritual counseling). The Ideal Church of Scientology Mission in Bergamo is designed to serve as the physical embodiment of Scientology technology in helping all to attain spiritual freedom. It was a joyous Sunday afternoon, November 10, when community leaders and parishioners celebrated the anniversary and expansion of the Ideal Church of Scientology Mission of Bergamo. Those joining Mission Director Marta Riva for this milestone celebration included Ms. Nilupa Warnakulasooriya, Representative of the Sri Lanka North Italy Community; Mr. Franco Ravaglioli, Vice President of the Universal Peace Federation of Italy; Mr. Daniel Sigua, Founder and CEO of TCG News Italia; and Mr. Gabriele Riva, an intercultural advocate and a lieutenant of the Alpini, an elite mountain infantry corps of the Italian Army known for its volunteerism and humanitarian activities. Stepping to the podium, Ms. Warnakulasooriya thanked the mission for helping her achieve her humanitarian objectives. She spoke of her passion for ensuring Sri Lankan children living in Italy can adapt to the culture and thrive in their new home. Growing up in a foreign culture can be daunting. Children have to contend with customs and struggle with a new language, which can set them apart and create friction. When Ms. Warnakulasooriya discovered L. Ron Hubbard’s she found the practical skills and moral values that can prepare these youths to become the leaders of tomorrow “L. Ron Hubbard provided a great gift by giving us ,” she said, “a gift that allows us to create harmony and respect among people of all races, religions, ages and genders.” Vice President of Universal Peace Federation of Italy Mr. Franco Ravaglioli believes in the unique and essential role religions play in promoting a world of lasting peace in which people of all nationalities, ethnicities and cultures can live together in harmony. “I appreciate the Scientologists I’ve come to know—they are open, willing to work together, and committed to creating real change. We will continue together on this path to create a better world,” he said, “for I believe that one day, we can achieve what Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard envisioned with the Aims of Scientology: ‘A world without insanity, without criminals and without war.’ In other words, a world of peace.” TCG News Italia CEO Mr. Daniel Sigua is dedicated to the human rights of the Latin American diaspora in Italy. “Today, we have a community that is more aware and educated about human rights, thanks to your Spanish-language resources and materials promoting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.” He thanked the Church for its firm commitment to promoting values of unity and collaboration. “Thanks to your support, we will be able to carry out important initiatives for human rights and the growth of our community.” The final speaker, Lt. Riva, has long served in the Alpini’s legendary Giulia Mountain Brigade. “Those experiences—despite their hardships—have remained with me for a lifetime,” he said. “In the early 1980s, I was offered the opportunity to host 40 young university students from the Philippines who were touring around the world. In my small hamlet of about 1,000 people, convincing my fellow villagers to open their homes and hearts to strangers from a country so different from ours was a feat. But hospitality and generosity are values we lived by back then—values that, sadly, have faded over the years, even in my own little town.” Last winter, after the long interruption of the pandemic, the students from the Filipino choir reached out again, and Mr. Riva turned to the Scientology Mission of Bergamo. “It is thanks to all of you—your willingness, your help, and your incredible efficiency—that this choir was able to perform here in Bergamo. They sang in honor of the many families touched by the pandemic, families who have shown strength and resilience. This experience brought new life to my village. I want to express my deepest gratitude for the Church of Scientology’s invaluable role as a champion of ‘cooperation between different cultures for the common good.’” Mission director Marta Riva shared a brief history of her Mission, its services, and its humanitarian goals. “The 2020 pandemic was one of the hardest times our city ever experienced,” she said. “Our staff and parishioners immediately responded to help the many families affected by the tragedy. Today, our Scientology community has grown to such an extent that we needed to expand our premises, where we stand ready to serve not only Scientologists but all of Bergamo.” Visitors to the Ideal Bergamo Mission are welcome to tour the Public Information Display, featuring multimedia presentations of the basic beliefs and practices of Dianetics and Scientology as well as the life and legacy of L. Ron Hubbard. As an Ideal Church of Scientology Mission, Bergamo is equipped with every facility needed to provide the full array of introductory Scientology services. These include the popular Life Improvement Courses through which anyone may find workable solutions to common challenges of everyday life—such as how to improve a marriage, successfully raise children, increase personal motivation, and set and achieve goals. The Mission also offers seminars on a wide range of topics, including personal efficiency. The Hubbard Dianetics Seminar is based on Mr. Hubbard’s watershed work , the bestselling book that reveals the source of one’s nightmares, unreasonable fears and irrational behavior—the reactive mind—and how to conquer it. Additionally, the Mission provides spiritual counseling, known as , and the , developed by Mr. Hubbard to free individuals from the mental and spiritual damage caused by drugs and toxins. November 10 also saw the Grand Opening of the new Ideal Church of Scientology Mission of McMinnville, Oregon, and the Ideal Scientology Mission of Chiayi, Taiwan. It was followed on November 16, with the Grand Opening of the Ideal Scientology Missions of Taichung, Taiwan, and Santo André, Brazil. The new Ideal Scientology Mission of Osaka, Japan, will open on November 30. Many more Ideal Scientology Missions are planned across North and South America, Europe and Asia in the coming year. The Scientology religion was founded by author and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard. is the . The first Church of Scientology was formed in Los Angeles in 1954 and the religion has expanded to more than 11,000 Churches, Missions and affiliated groups, with millions of members in 167 countries. LEARN MORE: VIDEO: PHOTO link for media: PHOTO CAPTION: Celebrating the anniversary and expansion of the Ideal Scientology Mission of Bergamo. TAGS: #IdealScientologyMission #Bergamo NEWS SOURCE: Church of Scientology International Keywords: Religion and Churches, Ideal Scientology Mission, BERGAMO, Italy This press release was issued on behalf of the news source (Church of Scientology International) who is solely responsibile for its accuracy, by . Information is believed accurate but not guaranteed. Story ID: S2P123038 APDF15TBLLI To view the original version, visit: © 2024 Send2Press® Newswire, a press release distribution service, Calif., USA.

The Minnesota Twins acquired infielder Mickey Gasper from the Red Sox on Tuesday, sending left-hander Jovani Moran to Boston. Gasper, 29, made his major league debut in 2024 with the Red Sox, going hitless with four walks and one run in 18 at-bats over 13 games. The switch-hitter spent most of the 2024 season at Double-A Portland and Triple-A Worcester, hitting a combined .328 with 27 doubles, 12 home runs and 58 RBIs in 92 games. The Red Sox selected him from the New York Yankees in the 2023 Rule 5 Draft. A 27th-round pick of the Yankees in the 2018 draft, Gasper has played four positions in the minors -- first base, second base, third base and catcher -- along with serving as designated hitter. In 407 minor league games with the Yankees and Red Sox farm systems, he has hit .275 with 48 home runs and 207 RBIs. Moran, 27, underwent Tommy John surgery after the 2023 season and didn't pitch in 2024. In 79 relief appearances with the Twins from 2021-23, Minnesota's seventh-round pick in the 2015 draft is 2-3 with one save along with a 4.15 ERA, 52 walks, 112 strikeouts and a 1.33 WHIP in 91 innings. --Field Level MediaWith President-elect Donald Trump a month away from his inauguration ceremony at the White House for a second term, four of his fundamental policies could hold the key to understanding the future of the US economy, an expert said. After his decisive victory in the 2024 Presidential elections , Trump has spent the last month outlining his incoming Cabinet and discussing his policies. He has also announced the start of a new government accountability department called the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) led by Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy. 'Evidence of ancient nuclear war' found in 4,000-year-old city Pilots ready to 'take action' against 'dangerous' drone hunters President-elect Trump faced some criticism for creating DOGE which he dubbed the "Manhattan Project of our time." James Disney-May, a strategic advisor, entrepreneur, and investor, specializing in SaaS investment told Daily Express US that Trump's policies on immigration, tariffs, tax cuts, and deregulation will have the most significant impact on the US economy. Tariffs Trump is pushing for hefty tariffs on Mexico , Canada and China. While he plans to slam a steep 25% tariff on all goods from Mexico and Canada, China faces potentially up to 60% tariff rates. This has sent "shockwaves through global supply chains," said Disney-May. "Trump's tariff strategy is bold and unpredictable," he said. As part of retaliatory measures, China announced banning exports of important high-tech materials that the US uses in military applications. This is being seen as a "considerable escalation" in the trade dispute. Manufacturers of EV components have also been forced to consider relocating production to minimize disruption. Automotive, pharmaceuticals, and machinery industries, especially in export-reliant economies like Germany "face heightened risks," he explained. "The broader economic consequences depend on Trump’s ability to navigate legal and legislative constraints," Disney-May said, adding, "Investors and entrepreneurs should prepare for short-term volatility but position themselves for a potential long-term realignment in global trade flows. This shift may create significant challenges but also unlock new opportunities for strategic players in the evolving landscape." Immigration Immigration has perhaps been the most polarizing issue in the 2024 elections besides the disdain towards inflation and the US economy. Trump has planned an expansion of the immigration crackdown he enforced during his first term, which includes mass deportations of undocumented immigrants. To aid Immigration and Customs Enforcement in carrying out raids, he will reassign other federal agents and authorize local police officers and National Guard soldiers to voluntarily partake in these operations, especially in the red states. Stephen Miller, the former White House aide during Trump's first term who helped some of his border control policies, is returning as homeland security advisor to Trump. Trump has also appointed immigration hardliner Tom Homan as the "border czar" who has pledged to deport undocumented immigrants at a vast scale. According to Disney-May, "a shift towards a more business-friendly immigration policy focused on attracting skilled labor could be transformative." Sectors like technology, biotech, and engineering that depend heavily on high-skilled immigrant workers would benefit from "more accessible" visa programs like H-1Bs and a more streamlined green card process, he said. This could help address the labor shortage while promoting growth in these sectors. However, Disney-May is concerned about his mass deportation policies which he fears could potentially impact around 15 to 20 million workers and pose a "significant risk of economic disruption." Besides causing a serious labor shortage, it could "trigger upward pressure on wages and inflation," Disney-May predicted. "This scenario could potentially increase the risk of stagflation – a mix of slow growth and rising prices. For investors and entrepreneurs, stagflation and potential market volatility could reduce risk appetite," he warned. Tax cuts Trump has proposed to "slash" the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15% which is an "ambitious bid to stimulate investment and boost job creation," Disney-May said. The prospect of such individual and estate tax cuts for small businesses and entrepreneurs, in addition to the reduction in taxes on overtime pay, will help them gain "significant financial flexibility," he explained. This proposal could help boost sectors like biotech, green energy, and artificial intelligence to try audacious innovations. "Venture capitalists are excited by the prospect of capital gains tax relief for startup investments, which would inject fresh capital into early-stage companies and boost the US’s leadership in emerging technologies," Disney-May said. However, given how polarized and divided the Congress is, Disney-May predicts that managing financial constraints in such a divisive environment is an uphill battle. "For investors and entrepreneurs, the immediate benefits are compelling – cheaper capital, higher valuations, and a resurgent stock market," he said. Deregulation Trump recently posted on Truth Social suggesting that any person or company who invests more than $1 billion in the United States will receive "fully expedited approvals and permits," also applicable to all environmental approvals. While the incoming administration has not shared how they are planning to do this, this proposed deregulation wave has received a positive response on Wall Street with the S&P 500 reaching unprecedented levels, crossing the 6,000 mark for the first time. "Trump’s audacious goal to remove ten regulations for every new one resonated strongly with businesses eager to operate with fewer constraints," Disney-May said. He referred to a 1990s state regulation study that found that lighter regulation in the United States led to greater economic growth compared to an interventionist framework of the European Union. "Corporate America is already preparing for a less restrictive landscape," he revealed. According to Disney-May, over 100 trade associations have submitted proposals advocating for deregulation, including areas like nuclear energy, LNG support, and FDA food traceability requirements. This "risk-on" environment "creates opportunities in sectors such as financial services, cryptocurrency, energy, and technology" for investors and entrepreneurs, he said. Disney-May also predicted the London Stock Exchange to lose more companies to New York which may be drawn in by the "appeal of lighter regulatory hurdles, further reinforcing the US as a global financial hub." However, all that glitters is not gold and deregulation might come with risks. "Looser rules could trigger environmental or safety concerns and potentially test public tolerance for unchecked capitalism. Balancing free enterprise and safeguarding public interests will be a key challenge for policymakers," he warned.

PURCHASE, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dec 20, 2024-- Mastercard (NYSE: MA) today completed its acquisition of Recorded Future . “As the world becomes more digitized, there's an increased focus on securing every interaction and transaction against evolving cyber threats,” said Johan Gerber, executive vice president, Security Solutions at Mastercard. “Adding Recorded Future’s AI-driven threat intelligence capabilities to our cybersecurity services, identity solutions and real-time fraud scoring will enable us to better support our customers in these efforts.” Mastercard is committed to creating a higher standard of trust in the payment ecosystem, democratizing cybersecurity to create new opportunities for businesses in our digitally connected world. Its suite of cybersecurity services focuses on assessing cyber risk exposure, providing AI and other technology-driven innovations to protect the digital ecosystem and making continuous advancements to organize trust for people and businesses around the world. Recorded Future will add to these capabilities, providing opportunities to serve different customer sets with beneficial intelligence and actionable insights – and to enhance the effectiveness of existing products and services, making AI models even smarter. About Mastercard Mastercard powers economies and empowers people in 200+ countries and territories worldwide. Together with our customers, we’re building a sustainable economy where everyone can prosper. We support a wide range of digital payments choices, making transactions secure, simple, smart and accessible. Our technology and innovation, partnerships and networks combine to deliver a unique set of products and services that help people, businesses and governments realize their greatest potential. www.mastercard.com View source version on businesswire.com : https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241220165251/en/ CONTACT: Investor Relations: Jud Staniar,investor.relations@mastercard.com, 914-249-4565 Communications: Seth Eisen,seth.eisen@mastercard.com, 914-249-3153 KEYWORD: NEW YORK UNITED STATES NORTH AMERICA INDUSTRY KEYWORD: SOFTWARE BANKING NETWORKS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FINTECH DATA MANAGEMENT PAYMENTS TECHNOLOGY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SECURITY DATA ANALYTICS FINANCE SOURCE: Mastercard Investor Relations Copyright Business Wire 2024. PUB: 12/20/2024 12:13 PM/DISC: 12/20/2024 12:13 PM http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241220165251/en

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